You can onboard using your own GitLab repository. If you would like to use your own GitLab repository, please complete the following steps:


Create a GitLab Repository

Create a new GitLab private repository using one of these options:


Set up Honeydew

Please reach out to and send the full repository name - org-name/repository-name (e.g. honeydew-ai/honeydew-quickstart).


Create a GitLab Token

Create a new GitLab token for Honeydew integration:

  • In GitLab, under the project you have created for Honeydew, go to Settings -> Access tokens
  • Create a new project token:
    • Select Maintainer as the role
    • Set the following permissions:
      • api
      • read_repository
      • write_repository
    • Set a far-enough expiration date
    • Name the token (e.g. Honeydew)

Configure the token in Honeydew

In the Honeydew application, go to Settings -> GitLab and configure the token.

If you have branch rules, push rules or merge request rules for new repositories, you may need to relax these rules for the Honeydew GitLab repository. Specifically, please disable Merge request approval rules requiring at least one reviewer for merge requests.